Poor Clare Nuns
“O Lord, I love the house where you dwell, the place where your glory abides.” Psalm 26:8As Poor Clare Nuns…
…we have been called together by our Lord Jesus Christ to live in His love, as a community of sisters in the praying heart of the Church, to gather in the most universal way, the hardships and hopes of all people into the embrace of sacrificial love.
Our cloistered contemplative vocation, as daughters of Saints Francis and Clare, is a community life of adoration and intercession, rooted in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Divine Office around which our monastic day and year revolve.
“Among the other favors which we have received and do daily receive from our Benefactor, the Father of Mercies, for which we ought to return the more thanks to that glorious Father. Outstanding is our vocation. for which all the more, by way of its being more perfect and greater, do we owe the greatest thanks to Him.”
–St. Clare
Our vocation is:
Christocentric, Ecclesial, Eucharistic, Marian, and missionary in spirit.

The Son of God Became for Us the Way
– Testament of St. Clare
“All the Lord’s paths are mercy and faithfulness. In you, O my God, I have trusted.”
(Psalm 25:10,2)

Hundreds upon thousands of young women have walked into cloisters and never walked out of them because their youth and liberty were the very least they could give the One they loved so much. Love of God alone motivates a girl to remain in the cloister. He is her first love and her last love, and her love for all the world is part of her love for him.

Garden Enclosed with Jesus Christ at the Center