“One thing I ask of the Lord, for this I long: To dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. To gaze on the beauty of the Lord in his holy temple.” Psalm 27:4
Young women…
…desiring to follow the footsteps of our Mother St. Clare are received in the community as postulants and given instruction in the life they hope to embrace as her Poor Clare daughters.

Postulant receiving her Crucifix after her investiture as a novice.

She Said Yes
Following this period of preparation, they may be invested as novices in the religious habit of our holy order and given their new religious name as they begin preparation for the profession of vows.
Religious Consecration
“Glorify the Lord with me; together let us praise his name. Look towards him and be radiant.” Psalm 34:4,6“Cloistered nuns…
…see themselves especially in the Virgin Mary, Bride and Mother, figure of the Church; and sharing the blessedness of those who believe, they echo her ‘Yes’ and her loving adoration of the Word of life, becoming with her the living ‘memory’ of the Church’s spousal love.”
—Verbi Sponsa
—Verbi Sponsa

Religious profession…
…is an act of adoration of God which shows forth splendidly the Paschal mystery, impelling us to lose our life that we may find it. It draws its sacrificial strength from the sacrifice of Christ.
Jubilee of Profession
“I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; all your wonders I will confess. I will rejoice in you and be glad, and sing psalms to your name, O Most High.” Psalm 9:2–3A Personal Covenant of Love
By our religious consecration we are totally set apart for God in a personal covenant of love, surrendered with Christ through the Spirit to the Eternal Father.
The Mystical Body of Christ grows in love and expresses itself in a particular way in a religious family whose members are brought together in the mystery of God’s love to express a special design of his. This growth in love is especially achieved by means of the common celebration of the Eucharist.

Visit Our Monastery
Young women are invited to come and see our monastery in Palos Park, Illinois.
Call or write:
Poor Clare Monastery
12210 South Will Cook Road
Palos Park, Illinois 60464
Phone: 708-361-1810
Poor Clare Monastery
12210 South Will Cook Road
Palos Park, Illinois 60464
Phone: 708-361-1810